ESG Policy
for A/S Megatrade Beslag

ESG Policy for A/S Megatrade Beslag
1. Purpose and Business Strategy
This policy aims to ensure that A/S Megatrade Beslag ("the Company") at all times complies with applicable legislation and operates a responsible and transparent business for the benefit of employees, customers, and suppliers.
The Company seeks to contribute to positive economic, social, and environmental development. Our goal is to be an ethical and responsible trading company towards customers, employees, and suppliers, always maintaining solid and ethical business conduct.
We are therefore committed to sustainable practices in our operations as a trading company as much as possible and to promoting a responsible culture within the organization, integrating sustainability and corporate social responsibility into the Company’s business operations. We aim to be known for integrity in all relationships with our customers, suppliers, and employees. We do what we say and say what we do.
- We have integrated sustainability into our business strategy.
- We have anchored responsibility for sustainability in our top management.
- We have identified the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) most relevant for us to contribute to.
Our policies and guidelines help implement the Company's corporate social responsibility in various areas outlined below.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
From 2024 – 2026, we will focus on the following SDGs:
- Achieve gender equality (5)
- Decent work and economic growth (8)
- Responsible consumption and production (12)
The policy is formulated considering the company's size and organization, as well as the nature, scope, and complexity of its business. The policy applies to all employees in the Company. The Board of Directors evaluates and updates the policy at least once a year. This policy remains in effect until changed by the Board.
2. Environment
- We are aware of our energy consumption and measure it.
- We have transitioned 100% of our electricity procurement to renewable and CO2-neutral energy generated by Danish wind power.
- We have an environmental certificate for our use of green electricity via GoEnergi.
- Choosing green energy helps protect the environment and strengthens both production and investment in environmentally friendly energy.
- The headquarters in Hvidovre generates electricity via solar panels on the roof. Excess electricity is sold to the power grid.
- We have an energy consumption policy via our Environmental Compliance ISO14001.
- We are aware of our water consumption and measure it.
- We do not produce and do not pollute.
Waste and Resources
- We correctly sort our waste and measure plastic and cardboard waste.
- We recycle our waste.
- We have set targets for our waste sorting according to recommendations.
CO2e Reduction
- We work to minimize our CO2e emissions.
- We measure and document emissions from electricity and heating purchases.
- We measure our freight emissions and categorize our transport providers based on their environmental efforts.
3. Social Responsibility
The Company is expected to exercise due diligence in working with corporate social responsibility. This applies to the Company’s own activities as well as its employees and business partners. The Company's own activities are defined as wholesale trade for the purpose of conducting business. Business partners include customers, collaborators, and suppliers.
The Executive Management and Board of Directors believe that the Company can achieve the goal of being a responsible workplace through the following initiatives:
Health, Safety, and Well-being
- We have policies and tools to manage stress if it arises.
- We actively promote work-life balance.
- We have a policy for workplace safety.
- We actively work to prevent workplace injuries.
- We measure workplace-related injuries.
- We have a Health & Safety Organization (AMO) and measure well-being biannually.
Measures for health promotion include:
- Opportunity for remote work.
- Health insurance for all employees.
- Walk & talk, mobile ad-hoc meetings.
Equality and Equal Pay
- All employees receive a minimum wage in accordance with national or international standards, and we follow collective agreement-related decisions.
- All employees in the Company have at least 25 paid vacation days per year according to Danish regulations, plus 4 optional vacation days to accommodate the sixth holiday week.
- We communicate that we aim to be an inclusive workplace and track diversity statistics.
Diversity and Inclusion
- The Company is aware of and respects the Danish prohibition against discrimination and the SDGs.
- The Company ensures that discrimination does not occur based on gender, race, skin color, religion, political beliefs, sexual orientation, national origin, social origin, ethnicity, age, or disability.
- Decisions on employment, dismissal, transfer, promotion, salary determination, working conditions, or competence development are based on relevant and objective criteria.
- We have targets for gender balance at all levels.
- We offer flexible work conditions where possible.
- We measure how many employees who complete development programs.
Supplier Management
- We have a policy for working with suppliers and follow up on their compliance
- We monitor whether our suppliers address and rectify any violations.
- We have a documented process for working with suppliers via ISO 9001.
Customer Responsibility
- We engage in dialogue with our key customers regarding ESG topics that matter to them.
- We have a process to ensure quality and safety in our customer deliveries.
- We have a detailed customer journey and process description via ISO 9001.
4. Governance
Legislation and Compliance
- We continuously monitor legislation that directly or indirectly affects us through legal lists and service apps.
- We ensure ongoing compliance with applicable requirements and regulations.
- We participate in interest networks discussing legislation and regulation.
Documentation and Reporting
- We use a recognized framework for our reporting.
Risk Management
- We identify ESG risks similarly to other business risks.
- We engage in dialogue with stakeholders regarding key risks.
Business Ethics
- We have a policy for handling personal data (GDPR) and a system for documentation and compliance tracking (Risma).
- We have a policy on data ethics.
- We have an anti-corruption policy.
- We have a policy on gift acceptance and giving, as well as tax evasion, to avoid inappropriate dependencies between customers/suppliers and employees.
- Cash and vouchers are not accepted.
- The Company does not collaborate with businesses whose purpose is to evade Danish tax laws.
- We track reported cases of unethical behavior.
5. Strategic Focus Areas and Measurements (2024 – 2026)
- Reduce total energy consumption at headquarters by an additional 5% through measures such as LED lighting and solar panels.
- Offer sustainable products in our assortment where socially and economically viable.
- Promote gender equality and strengthen women’s rights and opportunities.
- Ensure that employees continuously develop professional and personal skills for long-term employability.
- Strive for responsible consumption and production with minimal waste and maximum use of recycled materials.
- Maintain solid economic sustainability to ensure stable jobs.
- Keep employee turnover below 10%.
- Reduce absenteeism to a maximum of 2%.
- Maintain long-term relationships with core customers.
6. Controls and Reporting
Management is responsible for:
- Ensuring compliance with and communication of this policy.
- Keeping business processes updated to reflect Board guidelines.
- Reporting to the Board at least annually on policy compliance.
7. Effective Date
This policy takes effect on May 1, 2024.
Hvidovre, updated January 30, 2025 / SDG